005: Life Transformation | Sean Douglas
In this episode
- Raising the bar for yourself
- Hitting goals – Speaking at TEDx and in Vegas
- Setting yourself up to associate with the greatest names in the business
- Building podcast / radio show into 44 countries & thousands of weekly listeners
- Have a 1 year plan before you get out of the military
- Always have a side hustle (even in the military)
- model & connect with people who are doing what you want to do
Download the guide: 45 Success Skills From The Military That Can’t Be Learned In A Classroom
Sean Douglas
“You’ve got to have a side hustle, even while in the military. Find something you are passionate about and you can make money at it.”
My guest on this episode is Sean Douglas. Listen how Sean has already built a great future for himself to look forward to when he exits the military.
Sean shares tips from his “side hustle” as a TEDx Speaker, International Radio Show Host, Master Resilience Implementer, Performance Enhancement Expert & Author… All while he is still serving active duty in the Air Force.
Sean’s core message about life transformation is great for transitioning veterans who are looking to step up to new purpose after the military.
Connect with Sean Douglas
- Website: Www.TheSuccessCorps.com
- TEDx talk video: https://youtu.be/
CKudfG39Vs4 - Facebook Page: www.Facebook.com/
SeanDouglasSpeaks - LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/sean-
douglas-a0890473 - Amazon: www.Amazon.com/author/
seandouglas - Book –www.Amazon.com/gp/aw/d/
1532943865?vs=1 - Radio Show: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/
LifeTransformationRadio - iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/
podcast/life-transformation- radio/id1210888786?mt=2
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About Nic Transtum
Nic is a husband, father with 6 girls "oh help us all", adventurer, entrepreneur, author, speaker, coach, Veteran, Blackhawk Pilot- US Army.
Nic has been to war and back on battlefields in the Middle-East...AND he's been to war in life after the military.
The UGLY TRUTH is he struggled deeply for years until he identified his next HVT in life and applied what he learned on the battlefield to achieving personal & business success.
Now he is dedicated to showing other veterans how to win at the next level after the military without struggling like he did... so we can all live the freedoms we fought for!